
A competing technology


A variant of QR tags is a similar technology from Microsoft called MobiTags. Although the two formats are mutually incompatible and compete with one another, they share essentially the same capabilities.

One major difference between the two is that QR tags are an open source standard throughout the world while MobiTags are proprietary technology belonging exclusively to Microsoft. There are many QR tag readers on the market but MobiTag readers can only be obtained from Microsoft (

Both formats are free for both readers and generators of tags. Being open source, QR tags will always be free or at least have a free option. Microsoft claims that MobiTags will always remain free as well but there is nothing preventing them from changing that stance or even from abandoning support for the technology entirely.

Another cosmetic difference that may be important to some businesses is that QR tags are limited to black and white or to some basic color and white (i.e. red and white or blue and white). MobiTags are a full color format and can even incorporate photos or other graphics within the tag itself, as seen here.

(Note: this is also my business card. It contains my real contact information. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in hiring me to help market your business.)


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Retweet this passage A variant of QR tags is a similar technology called MobiTags.

Retweet this passage One difference between QR Tags and MobiTags that may be important to some businesses…

Retweet this passage QR tags can be done in color (i.e. red and white, or blue and white).

Retweet this passage MobiTags are full color and can even incorporate photos or graphics within the tag itself.