In Search of the Purple Squirrel

Photo courtesy of University of San Francisco

I read a book review recently for a book about today’s tight job market. If giving a letter grade to the book’s contents, based purely on what I know of the book based on the review alone, I’d say it earned a B+. Perhaps even an A-.

A grade for the title? I will charitably give it a C-.

This book was not written by a dumb guy. He’s a professor at an Ivy League university.

The thing is, in reading the book review, I came across at least two better potential titles. Both of which came from the author himself (and, I believe, from within the book itself!)

The book’s actual title, while descriptive, is such a mouthful as to be a bit off-putting:

Why Good People Can’t Get Jobs: The Skills Gap and What Companies Can Do About It

The “better” titles I came across are far less descriptive.

In a way, that’s kind of the point.

I think if you can arouse curiosity, it might attract more readers. Or at least different readers.

One thing I’d really love to see is a test. Publish the exact same book twice, with different covers and different titles. No difference whatsoever in the book’s contents but radically different window dressing to attract would-be “buyers”.

I wonder which version would sell better. Surely they would each attract a different demographic.

If such a test ever were performed, I’d love to see the results.

At any rate, the first of my “better” titles is:

The Home Depot Approach to Hiring

When filling a job is like replacing a part in a washing machine.

Note that this suggested title and subtitle both come from the book review itself but I’ve tweaked them slightly to ramp up the interest factor.

My second suggested “better” title is:

In Search of the Purple Squirrel

Companies in search of employees who don’t exist.

In this case, the title is based on something that was mentioned in the book review but the subtitle is entirely mine. (Though the author should feel free to co-opt it and use it.) I added the subtitle, based on context from the book review, to add clarity. Mainly so potential readers wouldn’t think it was a book about animals.

Why am I going on and on about the title of a book about today’s job market?

At its core, writing is about communication. While I know the author is a very smart guy, and from what I can tell his book communicates some surprising and very valuable new ideas, I just don’t think the title gives it justice. Having the best ideas in the world means little if no one ever learns of them.

And if you can’t spark people’s interest, they will never pick up the book and thus never learn of the ideas inside.

Copywriting and marketing work the same way. You could have a terrific product that would solve people’s problems but if you never arouse enough interest to make them find out about your product then it does neither of you any good.


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Retweet this passage Less descriptive? In a way, that’s kind of the point.

Retweet this passage If you can arouse curiosity…

Retweet this passage The Home Depot Approach to Hiring

Retweet this passage When filling a job is like replacing a part in a washing machine.

Retweet this passage In Search of the Purple Squirrel

Retweet this passage At its core, writing is about communication.

Retweet this passage Having the best ideas in the world means little if no one ever learns of them.

Retweet this passage If you can’t spark people’s interest, they will never learn of your ideas.

The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

Photo courtesy of United Nations in Armenia

Once upon a time I worked as a translator. After that I worked for a time in a bilingual call center.

Although I did have conversational proficiency in Chinese at the time, I was routinely given credit for being far more fluent than I actually was.

Bear in mind that I am not of Chinese descent. I have no Chinese heritage whatsoever and didn’t start learning the language until I was 18 years old. I studied for less than three years, taking only three classes.

Yet with less than three years of study I was often complimented by native speakers on my Chinese speaking skills. Chinese are customarily very polite in social situations but I knew the compliments were more than just politeness. Those who dealt with me over the phone who had no opportunity to see with their own eyes that I am not Chinese often mistook me for being Chinese.

I’m not saying any of this to brag.

The point of the story

How did I do it?

How could I be mistaken for a native speaker of a language I learned as an adult and studied for only three years? How could I be frequently judged as being far more fluent than I actually was?


Little things mean a lot.

That sounds trite so let me explain.

There are a handful of relatively small things that I stumbled into doing more or less accidentally, that are different from what most others do, and that made all the difference in how my skills were perceived.

When I was studying Chinese, one exercise we did frequently was take a sentence in English and translate it into Chinese. This is a very common method used in teaching all languages. However one of the things I noticed was that all of my classmates translated each individual word in the sentence. That may be fine most of the time but all languages have idiomatic expressions and non-literal word usage.

Idiomatic expressions and non-literal word usage

This really stuck out for me when I’d hear a conversation translated.

Bob: Hey, I haven’t seen you in a long time. How are you?

Harry: I’m fine. And you?

Bob: Just great.

Exclamations like “Hey” don’t usually have a direct translation so students almost always stumble on them. Harry’s response would often be translated into the equivalent of “I’m fine. Also you?” And then Bob’s response would come out something like “Merely great.”

You see this often in English sentences that were obviously written by a non-native speaker or were translated from another language.

Similarly, sentences like “Don’t worry about the damage. It’s not that bad.” Throw translators for a loop. Use of the word “that” in this context actually means “very” instead of being a pronoun for the thing over there. By translating the words instead of the meaning, you end up with a sentence that sounds awkward and may even be unintelligible. (Contractions also throw some people, especially when translating into a language that doesn’t use them.)

So the above sentence might come out something like “Do not worry about the damage. It is not that-thing-over-there bad.”

The trick

My trick was to translate the meaning instead of the words. In a sense, I guess you could say that I double translated everything. First I would rephrase the original sentences, essentially translating them from English to English, and then I would translate them into Chinese.

Even if I paraphrased a little, by conveying the same meaning I was lauded for the excellence of my translations. Of course there is a fine line with paraphrasing. You do have to convey the exact same meaning and not something merely similar.

Another trick I learned as an offshoot of this was the use of idiomatic expressions in the target language. In English we use phrases all the time that don’t mean what their words literally say. We have hundreds of them. Phrases like:

  • make her weak in the knees
  • bring him to his knees
  • a ten megawatt smile
  • get off my back
  • walking on cloud nine
  • a razor-thin margin
  • up at the crack of dawn

Well guess what? We’re far from the only ones who do it. Every culture in the world has its own set of idiomatic expressions. They’re all different but if you can learn just a few — perhaps a couple dozen of the more common ones — and use them correctly, it will really set you apart from other non-native speakers.

In fact, that’s where the title for this article came from. It’s the translation of the moral to a story. Think of the Chinese equivalent of Aesop’s Fables. Every American knows phrases such as “birds of a feather flock together”, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, “united we stand divided we fall” or “slow and steady wins the race”. In fact, these expressions are so well known that you often only have to give part of it and the listener will grasp the meaning of the entire thing, filling in the blanks that you left.

Chinese fables work the same way. So, in fact, do those from Spain, Morocco and Madagascar. Throughout the world, each culture and language has some stories that are so well-known to native speakers of that language as to be essentially universal. And yet they are frequently completely unknown to non-native speakers.

You’d have to know the story behind the title in order to fully grasp its meaning.

Even then, you have to grasp the symbolism behind the story to fully get the real meaning.

The story behind the title

Briefly, the story is about a frog who lives at the bottom of a deep well. He looks up and can see only a small circle of sky. Having never been anywhere but his little well, he believes that this is all that exists of the sky; it is only as big as the opening at the top of the well.

There’s more to the story but the important part is that this phrase is used to describe someone who sticks stubbornly to a very narrow view of things. More broadly, it means to be narrow-minded or dogmatic.

Without knowing just a little of the story, one might never guess that the frog at the bottom of the well alludes to being dogmatic.

By learning just a few dozen of these stories, their morals and the deeper meanings behind them, I was able to sprinkle the morals of the stories into my speaking.

Tying this all back to marketing

I am a marketer and a copywriter. So of course this article is ultimately about marketing. The key thing is that the difference between decent marketing, good marketing and truly great marketing is almost always just a matter of a few small things.

At its core, very little of the secrets I revealed in this article should be truly novel to you. In hindsight, after reading them, every one of my tricks seems rather obvious. And yet, without my going out of my way to point them out, you might have gone your whole life without being consciously aware of them.

All the best marketing tricks are exactly the same. Only with good training and consciously paying attention to certain things (or hiring a copywriter who has the training and pays attention) can your marketing efforts go from good to great.


Click any of the icons below to retweet these passages from the above article.

Retweet this passage The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

Retweet this passage How I was mistaken for a native speaker of a language I studied for only 3 years

Retweet this passage You see this in English sentences written by a non-native speaker

Retweet this passage By translating the words instead of the meaning, you end up with…

Retweet this passage Every culture in the world has its own set of these

Retweet this passage The Chinese equivalent of Aesop’s Fables

Retweet this passage Chinese fables work the same as those from Spain, Morocco and Madagascar.

Retweet this passage Without knowing the story, one might never know that The Frog at the Bottom of the Well means…

Retweet this passage In hindsight, every one of these tricks seems rather obvious.

Retweet this passage Only with [this] can your marketing efforts go from good to great.

A cross between wrestling, NASCAR and a burlesque show

Typically, once you’ve found a USP that works you stick with it. Even milking it for all it’s worth. There may be small refinements over time but you don’t mess with a winning formula.

Photo courtesy of

Or do you?

In my off time I am an official with women’s roller derby.

The roller derby of today is unlike the derby of the 1970s. For one thing, it’s real. Back then it was largely staged and choreographed.

What does roller derby have to do with marketing and USPs?


In circa 2003, when roller derby was reborn and first started its resurgence in popularity, it had a certain kind of USP.

If I had to give it a catchy name, I’d call it “sexy anti-establishment”.

My introduction to the sport came when I wrote a magazine article about it. At the time, I called it a cross between wrestling, NASCAR and a burlesque show.

For its first five years or so, the sport of roller derby sold itself on the basis of attractive, young female athletes in outfits that were as skimpy as they were racy. Torn fishnets, short skirts, glitter, neon-colored hair and tattoos aplenty… it all fed into a certain kind of punk ethos that made the resurgence highly successful.

The sport gained in popularity, got lots of press and grew quickly.

In short, its USP was working.

Then some of the most influential voices within the sport decided to change it.

Gradually it is being made more family friendly and more professional. More like “real” sports such as basketball, football and even NASCAR.

Today you’ll still find a certain sense of humor infused throughout the sport. There are deliberately humorous league names like the Oly Rollers and Burning River Rollergirls. Within leagues, you may find funny team names like the Furious Truckstop Waitresses and Psycho Ex-Girlfriends. Individual skater names often rely on clever word play: Donna Matrix, Liz Dexic, or Ian Fluenza.

However it’s becoming more common for leagues and teams to adopt names which more obviously reflect where they are from. It’s now very rare for new skaters entering the sport to be allowed to adopt highly sexually suggestive names. In fact, it’s becoming more common for skaters to simply use their real names, just like athletes in other sports.

So what’s going on here? Why take a USP that was working and helping the sport grow and get loads of good press and suddenly change it?

Mainly it’s because a lot of very smart people realized it could never become a mainstream sport under the old USP. Roller derby would never be seen on television or be the kind of sporting event that parents brought their kids to like they might with baseball or soccer.

Only by toning it down, could the sport shatter its own glass ceiling. Now organizers are on the cusp of getting roller derby accepted as an Olympic sport.

Photo provided by U.S. Army. Photo credit: Tim Hipps.

Tiger Woods, when he was ranked #1 in the world in golf, realized that he’d reached a plateau in terms of his game. Although he was the best, someone would eventually dethrone him and he really had no way to get any better. So what did he do? He hired a coach to train him in a completely new style of play.

That knocked him out of the top slot for a while but eventually he made it back to #1 and with a much better level of skill. Tiger Woods changed his USP, even though his old one was still working for him at the time.

Is it a good idea for all organizations and businesses to change their USP? Absolutely not! But if you recognize that the one you’ve got is inherently limiting and you have a sensible idea for a better one that would not be as limiting, it can make perfect sense.


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Remember, we’ll donate money to charity for every retweet. No purchase necessary. You retweet, we donate. It’s that simple.

Retweet this passage Once you’ve found a USP that works you stick with it. Or do you?
Retweet this passage What does roller derby have to do with marketing and USPs?
Retweet this passage Its USP was working then some influential people decided to change it.
Retweet this passage A sport with team names like the Furious Truckstop Waitresses and Psycho Ex-Girlfriends.
Retweet this passage A sport with clever player names like Donna Matrix, Liz Dexic, and Ian Fluenza.
Retweet this passage Why take a USP that was working and suddenly change it?
Retweet this passage Tiger Woods changed his USP. Should you?

Selling what you want to buy

Photo credit: Kevin Dooley

Orbitz is taking some flack for presenting higher priced options to some users, based on what type of computer they are using.

Being completely fair to Orbitz, the prices themselves are no different. Only the way in which they’re presented.

To use simple numbers, let’s say that Orbitz has 20 hotel rooms that meet your search criteria. It also knows from prior experience that users of one computer system typically prefer to book “better” rooms than users of another system.

So Orbitz checks which system you have and changes the order in which those 20 rooms are shown based on that.

All the rooms are the same and the prices are the same no matter which system you’re using. The only difference is the order.

Users of one system will see nicer (read: more expensive) rooms nearer the tops of their lists while users of another will see more economical rooms nearer the top.

All users, regardless of system, are free to change the order of the list once it’s presented.

There is a huge outcry over this.


Mostly it’s a knee-jerk reaction.

Some people didn’t even realize it was possible for a website to know what kind of computer system you’re using. They find out and then fear some kind of Orwellian 1984 world in which Big Brother is watching their every move.

Others may fear that they’re being bilked for more money than another consumer who is shopping for the exact same thing.

Not true.

To use an analogy, grocery stores place more popular or profitable cookies at eye level. Higher priced or “premium” cookies tend to be nearer the end of the aisle. In fact, not just any end but the end closest to the checkout lanes. Store brand and off-brand cookies are down near the floor.

We’ve all seen this and many even know it’s a deliberate arrangement, yet no one questions it.

The reasons are more complex than most people realize.

Certain people place a higher value on their time than on their money. At least up to a reasonable point. Having to maneuver halfway up a crowded aisle, fighting their way around other shoppers, and navigating 150 different cookie options is a big hassle. How much might they save? Forty-three cents? That’s not worth the time and stress so they’ll grab the more expensive cookies from near the end of the aisle.

(These cookies are near the checkout end for the very same reason; the people most likely to choose them are also most likely to avoid the back of the store altogether. They just want to get in and out as quickly as possible.)

I don’t see how what Orbitz is doing is really any different.

If, demographically speaking, people just like me show a much higher propensity for ordering something in red, why would you show me lots of blue ones? If you already know I’m a size medium, why show me clothes that you only have in stock in XXL?

In the future, nearly all shopping experiences will be custom tailored to the shopper. Especially online. Smart sellers are doing this already and so should you.


Click any of the icons below to retweet these passages from the above article.

Remember, we’ll donate money to charity for every retweet. No purchase necessary. You retweet, we donate. It’s that simple.

Retweet this passage Selling what you want to buy
Retweet this passage Some fear this marketing strategy brings a kind of Orwellian 1984 world.
Retweet this passage We’ve all seen this and yet the reasons are more complex than most people realize.
Retweet this passage Certain people place a higher value on their time than on their money.
Retweet this passage If people like me tend to order something in red, why show me blue ones?
Retweet this passage If you know I’m a medium, why show me clothes that you only have in stock in XXL?
Retweet this passage In the future, nearly all shopping experiences will be custom tailored to the shopper.
Retweet this passage Smart sellers are doing this already and so should you.

SEO? That’s so last year!

For more than a decade now, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been growing in importance. Getting a high ranking in search results, the thinking goes, will lead to more traffic which in turn will lead to a larger list and more sales.

Much of that is out the window now.

Google, still the 800 pound gorilla in the search engine space, went and changed the rules of the game. Again.

I’m not blaming Google. The changes they made are actually good for web surfers. Just because they’re not so great for web site owners isn’t really all that much of a problem. Web sites who are doing things right shouldn’t suffer too much from the changes Google made.

It was really a series of changes each of which, taken in isolation, wasn’t all that big a deal. It’s only when looked at in combination that one begins to see just how much has changed.

Google makes changes to its search algorithms all the time but they’ve made at least ten major changes in the last year. Three of those are significant in the ways that they’ve undermined website owner’s ability to game the system through keyword optimization.

1. Personalized Search – This is arguably the most significant change to the way search results are displayed that has ever happened. Users with a Google account (Gmail, Google+, etc.) who are logged in at the time of performing a search using Google’s search engine will see personalized results. Google will take into account what it already knows about such users — their interests and preferences — and personalize the search results accordingly.

This means that two different users, both in the same geographic area and both searching for the exact same terms, may now see different results. This effectively erases almost every single advantage of SEO. No longer does optimizing for keywords automatically mean high rankings. Not even when those keywords are highly specific nor when the search terms very closely match the keywords.

Of course from a user perspective, this is terrific news. To throw out a completely hypothetical example, two users in the same town search for ice cream shops. If Google knows my favorite ice cream flavor is caramel mango fudge while the other person’s favorite is mint pecan truffle, we may each see different listings. At the very least, our listings may be presented in a different order. The results will be customized based on our individual preferences.

2. Recency – As if personalized search weren’t enough of a game changer, Google now also gives preference to recency of publication. Obvious examples include sports scores and election results but recency could even be applied to such things as solar eclipses and illness outbreaks.

In a nutshell, more recently published content gets preferential treatment over older content. So someone looking for NCAA scores will see this year’s scores, not those from previous years.

Some SEO “experts” have suggested periodically making minor tweaks to existing content so that it always appears to be fresh. I can’t imagine that the hundreds of brainiacs at Google haven’t already thought of that and taken it into account. I think the only way to remain at the top of the heap is to continually keep putting out genuinely fresh new content. And naturally that content must be valuable and relevant to your niche.

3. Private Searching – One biggie that isn’t necessarily visible to surfers but which nonetheless will have a huge effect on SEO is what Google calls private searching. Again, this is extended only to those users who have some type of Google account and are logged in when they perform their search.

When directed to a web page, Google will not pass along the search terms or even where those users came from. This makes for a gaping hole in website owners’ analytics. Suddenly, a large percentage of visitors are an unknown quantity. The owners’ don’t know where those users came from or what brought them, therefore they can’t effectively optimize to bring in more such users.

Taken together, these and other ongoing Google tweaks make for a better internet experience for users while frustrating online entrepreneurs. No longer can entrepreneurs simply optimize pages for a few keywords and expect to generate traffic. Now they have to work harder than ever to stay current and relevant.


Click any of the icons below to retweet these passages from the above article.

Remember, we’ll donate money to charity for every retweet. No purchase necessary. You retweet, we donate. It’s that simple.

Retweet this passage SEO? That’s so last year!

Retweet this passage Google went and changed the rules of the game. Again.

Retweet this passage 3 recent Google changes have undermined the ability to game the system through SEO.

Retweet this passage This is arguably the most significant change to online search that has ever happened.

Retweet this passage This effectively erases almost every single advantage of SEO.

Retweet this passage No longer does optimizing for keywords mean high rankings. This is terrific news.

Retweet this passage This Google change could be applied to such things as solar eclipses and illness outbreaks.

Retweet this passage The only way to remain on top of the heap is to keep putting out genuinely fresh new content.

Retweet this passage This makes for a gaping hole in website owners’ analytics.